Who Qualifies for Lifeline - Free Government Phone?
Based on Your Income
If your income is 135% or less than the Federal Poverty Level, you can get Lifeline. The guideline is based on your household size and state.
All you need to do is show proof of income, like three consecutive pay stubs or a tax return, when you apply for Lifeline.
If You Use SNAP, Medicaid, or Other Programs
Federal Assistance Programs
Qualify for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as Food Stamps
(SSI) Supplemental Security Income
(FPHA) Federal Public Housing Assistance
Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit
Tribal Programs (and live on federally-recognized Tribal lands)
Show a card, letter, or official document, as proof that you participate in one of these programs when you apply for Lifeline.